miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The Fastest Way to Improve Your Credit Score Up to 90 Points

So, what's the fastest way to improve your credit score up to 90 points - guaranteed?

The answer to that question lies within the answers to these three questions:

1.) What is the "highest scoring" credit you can add to your credit report?

2.) What is the fastest way to add this type of credit to your credit report? And

3.) What impact will it have on your overall "debt to credit" ratio?

Contrary to popular belief the highest scoring credit you can add to your credit report is any type of unsecured revolving credit account (please note, debit cards do not count). Many consumers believe car loans and home mortgages represent the highest scoring credit one can add. In our experience, this is simply not true. Unsecured revolving credit accounts are the riskiest type of credit to the lender while also being the easiest to be abused by the borrower. It's for this reason we believe we've found them to be the highest scoring when added and used properly. Compare this to a car loan or home mortgage, where if you quit paying, the home will be foreclosed or the automobile repossessed.

The next question becomes...

"What's the fastest way to add this type of credit to your credit report?"

The fastest way to get this type of credit on your report is by obtaining what's known as an "authorized user" account. However, for this to be most effective, you need to have... The same last name and the same mailing address, as the primary account holder. Otherwise, this technique will be limited in its' impact. So, if you have a brother, sister, father, mother (or spouse) living at the same address as you and are using the same last name... By all means, have them add you onto their $5,000 unsecured credit account and you should be looking good in no time flat. On the other hand, if this isn't an option, don't despair. There is a "plan b" for you. You may be able to obtain what's known as an... Unsecured "consumer" credit account.

This is an account which gives you an "unsecured credit line" of up to $5,000 but only allows you to purchase products or services from a particular catalog or website. Kind of sounds like a scam, right? But don't be a fooled... As long as the account reports to "one" or more credit bureaus it's actually the greatest invention since the cellular telephone and... It has the potential to save you over $90,000 in wasted interest payments on a home mortgage. If you're sharp you should "get this." If you're "bull headed" and stubborn nothing will change and the banks will love that...

Now, let's wrap up with the final question about adding an "unsecured" consumer credit account and that is...

"What impact will it have on your overall debt to credit" ratio?

The answer to this question is extremely important as the majority of consumer credit score's suffer from a negative "debt to credit" ratio. What is your "debt to credit" ratio? Your debt to credit ratio is vitally important to your credit score because it tells the story of how responsibly you're using the credit you've already been granted. To calculate your debt to credit ratio simply add up all the unsecured revolving credit accounts you currently have listed on your credit report. Let's say you had $5,000 worth. This would give you a "high credit limit" of $5,000. Now, let's say on that $5,000 of credit, you're in debt $4,000. Your debt to credit ratio is calculated by taking the $5,000 in high credit and dividing it by the total amount of unsecured debt you have. In this case you have $4,000 so it looks like this.

$5,000 in high credit divided by

$4,000 in unsecured debt =

80% debt to credit ratio.

Ideally, you want a debt to credit ratio of less than 45%. Now, in this example, let's say you added an "unsecured consumer credit account" for $5,000. (Yes, you can only buy products or services from their catalog or website, but let's look at what happens). When the account gets on your credit report your "high credit limit" will instantly... Increase by $5,000. This will take your high credit limit from... $5,000 to $10,000 (overnight...) but that's not even the best part. The best part comes with the impact it will have on your debt to credit ratio. Overnight, your debt to credit ratio will go from...

(80%) eight percent

down to...

(40%) forty percent

here's how it happens. When your high credit limit increased from $5,000 to $10,000 from the "unsecured consumer credit account" being added, your unsecured debt stayed at $4,000. When you divide $10,000 in high credit by $4,000 in unsecured debt you now wind up with a debt to credit ratio of only 40%.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6062589

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