martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Know The Benefits Of Hiring A Buyers Agent For Your Real Estate

If you have the benefit of hiring buyer's agent for your next buy, it's the best recommendation! Every state has its own buyer's agent commission contracts, but in the most common terms a buyer agent is an broker who actually works wholly with the buyer of a site or estate to ensure that the buyer's interests are always represented in the deal. In reality, there are many more profits to appointing a buyer agent, such as:

- Full Representation: A buyer will give you 100% commitment - and they will be loyal to you and only you! The best thing about buyer's agents is that they have no motivation to sell one house over any other - Which means that they will put your best interests above anybody else's, including the sellers.

- No loyalty to the sellers: In some situations a regular agent will try to talk to both the parties, the seller and the buyer. In the case of buyer's, they only have loyalty to you. Their first job is to get you a home at a less price.

- Like a regular agent, a buyer has wide spread knowledge of the marketplace in your specific area. No matter if you want a home in Denver or in Naples Florida. The local broker has all the information and history you need on the home you want. Also, since they are experienced in this area, they also know how to be professional, take care of checklists and viewings.

- They can give you access to all the homes and properties available in the area you are looking at. An agent not only relies upon the sign put in someone's yard; but also have the "in" on all the other properties that are available for the seller. In a lot of cases, they can also represent a buyer for a sale on a house that is displayed by a seller agent and help on FSBO for sale by landlord transactions.

- In a lot of cases, a buyer's agent is entirely free. Unlike any other agents, a buyer's does not make money off of your purchase. Rather, they make money off of the seller's sale!

When looking out for agents, be sure that you find someone who has perseverance, is good at negotiating, is good at listening carefully to your needs and want, has advocacy, and will talk to you on any requests you have on the process such as how the environment works or how the deal will proceed once the sale goes through.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The Fastest Way to Improve Your Credit Score Up to 90 Points

So, what's the fastest way to improve your credit score up to 90 points - guaranteed?

The answer to that question lies within the answers to these three questions:

1.) What is the "highest scoring" credit you can add to your credit report?

2.) What is the fastest way to add this type of credit to your credit report? And

3.) What impact will it have on your overall "debt to credit" ratio?

Contrary to popular belief the highest scoring credit you can add to your credit report is any type of unsecured revolving credit account (please note, debit cards do not count). Many consumers believe car loans and home mortgages represent the highest scoring credit one can add. In our experience, this is simply not true. Unsecured revolving credit accounts are the riskiest type of credit to the lender while also being the easiest to be abused by the borrower. It's for this reason we believe we've found them to be the highest scoring when added and used properly. Compare this to a car loan or home mortgage, where if you quit paying, the home will be foreclosed or the automobile repossessed.

The next question becomes...

"What's the fastest way to add this type of credit to your credit report?"

The fastest way to get this type of credit on your report is by obtaining what's known as an "authorized user" account. However, for this to be most effective, you need to have... The same last name and the same mailing address, as the primary account holder. Otherwise, this technique will be limited in its' impact. So, if you have a brother, sister, father, mother (or spouse) living at the same address as you and are using the same last name... By all means, have them add you onto their $5,000 unsecured credit account and you should be looking good in no time flat. On the other hand, if this isn't an option, don't despair. There is a "plan b" for you. You may be able to obtain what's known as an... Unsecured "consumer" credit account.

This is an account which gives you an "unsecured credit line" of up to $5,000 but only allows you to purchase products or services from a particular catalog or website. Kind of sounds like a scam, right? But don't be a fooled... As long as the account reports to "one" or more credit bureaus it's actually the greatest invention since the cellular telephone and... It has the potential to save you over $90,000 in wasted interest payments on a home mortgage. If you're sharp you should "get this." If you're "bull headed" and stubborn nothing will change and the banks will love that...

Now, let's wrap up with the final question about adding an "unsecured" consumer credit account and that is...

"What impact will it have on your overall debt to credit" ratio?

The answer to this question is extremely important as the majority of consumer credit score's suffer from a negative "debt to credit" ratio. What is your "debt to credit" ratio? Your debt to credit ratio is vitally important to your credit score because it tells the story of how responsibly you're using the credit you've already been granted. To calculate your debt to credit ratio simply add up all the unsecured revolving credit accounts you currently have listed on your credit report. Let's say you had $5,000 worth. This would give you a "high credit limit" of $5,000. Now, let's say on that $5,000 of credit, you're in debt $4,000. Your debt to credit ratio is calculated by taking the $5,000 in high credit and dividing it by the total amount of unsecured debt you have. In this case you have $4,000 so it looks like this.

$5,000 in high credit divided by

$4,000 in unsecured debt =

80% debt to credit ratio.

Ideally, you want a debt to credit ratio of less than 45%. Now, in this example, let's say you added an "unsecured consumer credit account" for $5,000. (Yes, you can only buy products or services from their catalog or website, but let's look at what happens). When the account gets on your credit report your "high credit limit" will instantly... Increase by $5,000. This will take your high credit limit from... $5,000 to $10,000 (overnight...) but that's not even the best part. The best part comes with the impact it will have on your debt to credit ratio. Overnight, your debt to credit ratio will go from...

(80%) eight percent

down to...

(40%) forty percent

here's how it happens. When your high credit limit increased from $5,000 to $10,000 from the "unsecured consumer credit account" being added, your unsecured debt stayed at $4,000. When you divide $10,000 in high credit by $4,000 in unsecured debt you now wind up with a debt to credit ratio of only 40%.

Article Source:

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Charge Offs Don't Need to Hurt Your Credit Score

The term "charge off" is often misunderstood. When charge offs are filed against a person their initial response may be to assume that the debt is forgiven. This is not true. A person is still responsible to pay the debt, but this signifies that you have been extremely delinquent on your payments. Understanding the situation may help you know how to respond if this happens.

There are different kinds of marks that can be left on a credit record. A charge off is one of the worst, along with bankruptcy and foreclosure, and it can be left on your record for up to seven years. This red flag means that a credit company has been unsuccessful in collecting payment. It will become a major hindrance in getting any another credit line, including a car loan, mortgage or almost any kind of new credit.

A charge off may lead to another red flag: a report that the account is in collection status. Once a creditor has given up trying to collect on an account, it will usually be sent to a collection agency. This third party will then be responsible for collecting payments. Unfortunately, debt collectors have been known to use some underhanded tactics in order to collect payments. The good news is that the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, or FDCPA, has established laws which stipulate acceptable conduct for collecting debt.

It may be possible to clear a charge off by talking to the original creditor-not the collection agency. A collection agency has no power to remove charge offs. Be prepared to negotiate and convince the creditor that you are serious about paying in exchange for the removal. Know how much of the debt can be paid up front and a schedule of payment that can be followed.

Keep in mind that it may be very difficult to convince a company to remove a charge off. Accordingly, they should be avoided at all costs. It is always worth it to work with a creditor to pay a debt before it gets referred to a collection agency.

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Credit Card Debt Relief - How The Bad Economy Can Help You Settle Bad Debt?

In this time of economic break down almost every other person is in search of those roads that will lead him towards the path of unsecured debt relief. The mounting unemployment level and increasing prices level has badly affected the lives of individuals. A Large number of people are drowning into the pool of liabilities just because of the decline in their salaries. With such bad financial situations, the economy is also effecting very badly. Thus, the government has come up with such plan and strategy that will help people in getting rid of their liabilities in no time. The plan is to make the lender agree for taking fewer amounts from the borrower than what actually he has to pay. This is the best way for bringing down the stress and financial burden. With the help of this plan, a person is able to manage his debt easily and the lenders are able to recover their money. This whole liability reduction strategy is known as debt settlement. This option was present in the market from early 80's but it came in to the limelight after the current bang of inflation.

With the help of debt settlement, a lot of individuals are able to manage their liabilities properly and accurately. People are able to get more than 50 % reduction in their outstanding balances via this option. Financial settlement is the only alternative to bankruptcy. This method is best for all those people who think that bankruptcy is the only way out to deal with the problem of massive unsecured debts. In order to make the process of settlement more reliable and authentic, the Federal Trade commission has made some changes in its laws. As per the new changes, the settlement firms are not legally eligible for asking the service fees in advance. The companies are legally bound to take the fees only after successfully helping the customer in getting relief in the dues.

Debt settlement is the only option by which a person is able to come out from the misery circle of debt in a very short span of time. In short, it is true to say that it is the accurate way for dealing with the problem of unmanageable debts.

If you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt it may be a wise financial decision to consider a debt settlement. Due to the recession and overwhelming amount of people in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals.

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

About credit repair business:

Knowing that the credit repair industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, serving the almost 80 million Americans with bad credit, it's a logical question to ask "Can I start my own credit repair business?"

Credit repair services are growing in popularity and demand as more people realize the importance of having good credit. The average person will access the internet in search of ways they can begin to improve their own credit score, but they quickly realize that there are so many advanced options that could potentially go wrong that they wisely seek professional help.

How Do I Start My Own Credit Repair Business?

As with any business start-up, it's important to spend a little time learning about the industry and the associated rules and regulations that will be inherent in your business operations. You will also need to consider learning about your legal responsibilities.

Do I Need Qualifications?

A credit repair business is a specialized service niche that will require you to know about the legalities surrounding the credit services industry as well as an understanding of the finance industry. You'll also need to have a high empathy level to help you cope with your client's emotional state of mind while they're going through a difficult financial time.

Do I Need Equipment?

You will need a good computer system, complete with some form of database software that will allow you to keep track of your client's files and case information. Accounting software might be a good idea so you can keep track of your business's income and expenses. You may also require a phone and fax.

Technically, a credit repair business can be quite low cost to start up, which makes it a very attractive option for anyone wanting to make a great income without a huge financial outlay.

How Do I Find Clients?

Advertising and marketing your business will become very important. You'll need to know that clients are able to find you. Creating and maintaining a web presence with a professionally presented website is also a great option.

You may also decide to cultivate a professional relationship with several selected referral sources. You may find that may industries rely heavily on their clients having access to credit products, such as real estate agents or car sales people.

The best possible sources of new clients are your existing or past clients. Word of mouth is a very powerful marketing tool and what's better is that it's free. When clients receive great service and are happy with results, they'll begin to tell friends and family about you.

Can I Earn Good Money with My Credit Repair Business?

The answer is up to you. As with any business, you will get out of it as much as you put into it. Taking time to learn and educate yourself about the credit repair industry will help increase the value of your service to your clients. Making sure clients can find you and your services easily will also help keep your business growing.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

3 Tips for to built credit:

Are you ready to figure out how you can build good credit without having to dip into your savings or use money you really don't have and cannot afford? There are many ways to build your credit and get to the point that you are ready to start living without the financial worries of bad credit and not being able to get any type of financing that you need without huge down payments and deposits. Here are some tips to get you started in the right direction so that you can live a better financial life.

1. What to do if you are starting with no credit

If you are starting from scratch and you have never had a credit card, car loan, or anything else that would cause you to have some sort of a debt on your credit report, then building your credit up is not all that hard. You can get yourself a credit card with a small limit, use it a couple of times a month, and pay it off every month. This will help you to get something good on your report. You can also take out a small loan from your bank from $500 to $1,000 and pay it on time the entire time as well. This will also help to build up the positive side of your report. If you do this and you always pay things on time you will on the way to perfect credit.

2. What to do if you already have bad credit

When you want to build good credit and your credit is already messed up, then you need to know a couple of tricks. You have two sides to your report, which you need to pull from all three bureaus so that you know exactly what you are dealing with. Then, you need to go through all the debts you have on the negative side of your credit and put them in order from smallest to largest. It is not about the size of the debt with your score, but instead the number of debts. To build good credit you want to pay as many of these debts off as you can one by one starting with the smallest and working towards the largest.

3. The second trick for those with bad credit

You also have another trick to use to build up the positive side of your report and help you out in that way as well. This is what is great about your credit. You may struggle to get approved for a credit card, but you can get a prepaid credit card. The prepaid cards allow you to pay a small monthly fee of about $10 and they will report to the bureaus for you. This can help you build up the positive side of things so that you can even out the negative as you are paying them off.

Click Here Now to begin Improving your Credit Rating Today!

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